Friday, February 20, 2009

Barnes' room

Although there is still a lot to do with plenty of time we painted Barnes' room last weekend. It is so hard to imagine right now and just looks like we picked out random colors but I promise it will all make sense in the end. The stripes are only on one wall and the rest is a taupey color. This weekend we are going to paint all the trim and put the moulding up top so one step at a time!

This is it so far - will update when the moulding and a few more things are finished. BTW - that is a black blanket on the floor - that way Lance would not splatter paint EVERYWHERE on the new floor - he is a messy painter, but no complaints! Have a great weekend.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Barnes Robert Carnahan

Well I finally am ready to post my pictures - here is Barnes Robert Carnahan at our 17.5 week visit. We are painting the room this weekend so I will post pictures when we get finished painting. Hope you are all having a great weekend!

Time is moving so fast!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Baby Carnahan & Mia

Life has been a little crazy lately! Just lots at work and home and such but I feel like it has all just begun!

Friday, February 6th we found out that "Peanut" is a BOY!!! We are so very excited. Just to share with you . . . we had high expectataions that "Peanut" was a bot. Lance comes from all boys and both his brothers have boys. See the pattern here, Carnahan's seem to only have boys! There is no dissappointment here! I always pictured my first being a boy, everyone needs a big brother! Maybe because I had one, plus every first born on my side is always a boy!

So since then my mind continues to just race! When I sleep I think about everything, therefore I have the hardest time sleeping! I have been reading up on car seats and such, wanting to make sure I pick out the right things and to see the reviews and what is reccommended. Whew! It is tough trying to protect and make sure he will be taken care of!

I will post some pics of him but he chose not to show his face. He seems to be a snuggler and a thumb sucker! We love a snuggler! The four legged babies will like it too! But he kept his arms covering his face the entire time so better luck next time. The next ultra sound will be at 30 weeks. Technology is AMAZING! I just want to look at him all the time now!

Well I will leave you with a little HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY from the baby girl!

I don't want her to EVER feel left out! She is my heart!