Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Mia!

Happy Birthday to my sweet Baby Mia - her birthday was Monday along with my sister Adrianne. For Adrianne we went and at lunch at San Miguel's. Then later that night Lance and I made cupcakes for Mia's Birthday. We semi celebrate Riley's birthday then also. We are not for sure when her birthday really is.

But anyway - of course I did not have my camera at home so I did not get any pictures of my baby girls enjoying their cupcakes! ) :

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Furniture Finally!

After months of decision making and then having to pick something else and then not loving that choice and blah blah blah . . . Baby Barnes finally has furniture. Lance, being the great husband he is, went last Friday and picked it all up and had it all unloaded when I got home from work. I LOVE IT!!! Mom and I then went Monday to Shreveport and bought all the fabric to get started on his bedding. Cannot wait for it to all come together! Here are some pictures of the piceces we bought.

This is the dresser and hutch - on it are just a few things I have purchased tp decorate. Still a long way to go.

Here is his Armoire', an un-expected purchase but when you find a good deal, it is too hard to pass on!

And here is his crib. You will have to excuse the floor, should have cleaned them before taking these pictures. Everything is in a spot for now, knowing me I will change my mind and move it all around again and again.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rambling on . . .

Just when I thought I decided on furniture I have found some I like 10X better. I loved my #1 choice, #2 is okay but I really wanted a more traditional crib. While playing on facebook one day I ran across Brittany Napper's photographs and LOVE the crib she got for her little girl. I asked her where she found it and she was so sweet to tell me just where and everything! So feeling like a slight copy cat, but I LOVE this crib! SOLD. We are going to pick up the furniture this weekend. I will have to take a picture, the website will not let me save the photograph.
Lance and I visited St. Paul's Methodist Church last Sunday and really enjoyed it. We are back on the search for a home church. It is really difficult to find a church where everything feels complete. We are going back this Sunday! It felt good so we will see!
Originally I wanted to spend a nice, relaxing weekend at home for Easter and of course things NEVER seem to work out the way I plan. I have worked almost every weekend here lately and dang it I want to be home. But we are going to go to Minden Saturday night and spend some time with L's parents. I have not been over there in a while and owe them a visit! I am excited!

Oh and now some VERY important news! RASCAL FLATTS new CD released today! GO GET IT NOW! Of course I have! Listening to it as I type. I will leave you with some pictures from the last concert we went to in September, I think. It has been a while, cannot wait for this years RF concert!