Monday, June 8, 2009

36 days and counting!

So up until last Wednesday I have had zero complaints other than the most fabulous cankles which I truly love - ahh! Last Wednesday I jsut started becoming completely uncomfortable. I am hungry but there is little room, I am tired but I HATE bedtime, I want to get up and do a lot but my feet are so swollen and I feel like Barnes may fall out at any minute! (Sorry : ) ) But WOW that is a lot of complaining all at once. I don't like to complian so there it is, I got it all out, no more. The past weekend Lance and I finished gathering all the things that Barnes will need when he arrives, trying to finish washing everything and such. However I did realize besides cotten gowns we have nothing newborn at all. All his smocked, daygowns and such start at 3 months. hmm . . . guess I should hop on down to the Children's Shoppe and pick up a few things. How terrible! : )

The previous weekend I had a shower in Ruston that all my friend threw me. It was great! Food was great and all the sweet gifts were wonderful! I am so thankful that there are so many people that already love Barnes and cannot wait to meet him!

After the shower, Gran Guy, my dad took our photographs with our famiy of 4 for the last time. This was not something I was dying to do but I know Barnes will appreciate it a long time from now. My girls did so good. This first one is my favorite!!!!

If only you could see really close, Mia is smiling so big! I love her under bite!

Big Mama and her belly - ahh!

and one more to complete my fabulous series of preggo pics!

I think Lance looks so cute in these - he is going to be such a great father! Although I know he will spoil Barnes ROTTED! I have seen the signs already!

Have a great week!